Infrared Surveys for Building Owners and Managers

An easier way to find problems with your buildings.

Roof Moisture

Roof Moisture Surveys

We offer a range of roof moisture surveys that utilize various techniques to detect and evaluate moisture issues on the roof. These techniques include aerial inspection, elevated vantage point inspection, on-roof inspection, and under-roof inspection.

Our team is skilled in using these techniques to easily pinpoint and evaluate the exact locations of roof moisture, allowing for more precise and cost-effective repairs. Our comprehensive approach ensures that all potential sources of moisture are thoroughly examined and addressed, helping to prevent future moisture issues and extend the lifespan of the roof.

Infrared survey revealing areas of roof moisture

Importance of Roof Moisture Surveys

It is important to accurately detect and address the source of roof leaks and moisture issues for several reasons. Some of the potential consequences of ignoring these issues include:

  • Structural damage: Moisture can cause wood and other building materials to rot, leading to structural damage.
  • Health problems: Moisture can also create an environment that is conducive to the growth of mold and other harmful substances. This can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues.
  • Increased energy costs: Moisture can also make it difficult for a building to retain heat, leading to higher energy costs.
  • Reduced property value: Roof leaks and moisture issues can also decrease the value of a building, making it less attractive to buyers or renters.

Overall, detecting and addressing the source of roof leaks and moisture issues is essential for preventing further damage, maintaining the safety and integrity of the building, and preserving its value.

How it works

Infrared thermography is a non-invasive way to detect moisture in a roofing system. When the sun shines on a roof during the day, it heats up the roof surface and the materials underneath. If there is moisture present in the roof, it will retain heat for longer periods of time than dry areas.

The differences in moisture can be detected using infrared technology, which measures the temperature of the roof. The thermal image produced shows areas of the roof that are wet or moist.

At night the sun will not be shining on the roof, and the surrounding air temperature will be cooler. The roof will then radiate heat back into the atmosphere through a process called radiational cooling. This is detectable using infrared technology, as wet areas of the roof will cool at a slower rate than dry.

Infrared thermography is a useful tool for building owners and roofing professionals because it allows them to identify and assess moisture in a roofing system without having to physically remove any roofing materials. Therefore, this can save time and money, and it can also help to prolong the life of the roof by allowing timely repairs to be made before the moisture causes significant damage.

A division of Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc.